Snowshoeing: Sport, Art, or Enigma?
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A blank slate!
Snow fell from the cold night sky. Ahead, a 5-acre meadow covered with the virgin crystals waited for my arrival. No grass or sage protruded from the 16 inches of soft whiteness. No sign of life in any form—not even a deer or moose track—marred the perfect blanket that covered this part of Mother Nature. The blank slate before me not only waited, it beckoned. Who am I to ignore the call?
Although the dark skies were filled with snow-saturated clouds, the hidden waxing moon illuminated the mountainside just enough to allow me to continue forward without the aid of my headlamp. Step after deliberate step, I pressed my shoes into the whiteness, leaving a single compacted trail in my wake. Quickly, the untouched meadow was transformed into a work of art, collaborated only by me and Old Man Winter. White canvas with a single white arc interrupting its form and texture: I call it, snowshoeing.
Snowshoeing is an exercise in contradiction; an enigma within itself. Truly utilitarian in origination, those northerners that were forced to trek through deep snow found it was easier if they didn’t have to sink in so far, and thus they appreciated being able to “float” nearer the surface. But like so many other events in modern society, functionality has been set aside, and we in-part, partake because of the nostalgia and exercise factors. And believe me, this sport lacks neither.
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